[E&E seminars] Reminder: Bringing Renewable Power to Nicaragua (Oct 11, 6pm, 56-114)

Beth Conlin bconlin at MIT.EDU
Fri Oct 5 16:51:32 EDT 2007

The MIT Pledge Effort Presents:

Bringing Renewable Power to Nicaragua
With Mathias Craig '03
October 11, 2007, 6pm - 7pm, 56-114

Come hear the story of Mathias Craig, who graduated with a master's 
degree in Civil and Environmental Engineering in 2003 and co-founded a 
nonprofit, blueEnergy, that has brought wind power to 1,500 people in 
Nicaragua.  Mathias was selected as a CNN Hero in 2007.  Learn about the 
founding of blueEnergy, where Mathias and the group are today, and the 
challenges they faced along the way.  Co-sponsored by the MIT Energy Club.

CNN Hero: Mathias Craig:

blueEnergy is a Tech Award Laureate:


The MIT Pledge Effort:

The MIT Pledge Effort is supported by Students for Global 
Sustainability, the Laboratory for Energy and the Environment, and the 
Technology and Culture Forum.
Christopher J. Sequeira
MIT Aeronautics, Technology and Policy Program
csequeir at mit.edu

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