[E&E seminars] TOMORROW - 5.92 Energy Seminar Project Presentations

Beth Conlin bconlin at MIT.EDU
Thu May 10 15:03:14 EDT 2007



Energy, Environment and Society (5.92)

A Presentation of Student Work


Friday, May 11, 2007

10:00 AM - 12:00 PM

MIT Campus, Building 1 Room 190



Part of an innovative program of project-based learning for first-year
students, seminar participants have spent this semester learning the basics
of energy technology, policy, and economics.  They have implemented this
knowledge in projects analyzing potential energy improvements for MIT and
the Cambridge community.  


These proposed projects include:

*	Application of small wind technology on the MIT campus 
*	The potential for rooftop renewable energy at Cambridge Rindge and
Latin School, Cambridge's public high school 
*	Recovery of heat energy from the MIT Nuclear Reactor 


This class is sponsored by the d'Arbeloff Fund for Excellence in Education,
the Laboratory for Energy and the Environment, and the Department of



Contact for Further Information

Beth Conlin

Education Program Coordinator

Laboratory for Energy and the Environment

Massachusetts Institute of Technology


bconlin at mit.edu




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