[E&E seminars] Learn leadership in Science & Technology in Tokyo this summer

Masahiro Sugiyama masahiro at MIT.EDU
Thu Mar 29 15:45:31 EDT 2007

sorry for the spam, but this might be of interest to you...

> +++
> Leadership is a journey. Technology is a vehicle.
> Visit Tokyo this summer and learn leadership in science and technology!
> <http://web.mit.edu/stela07/>
> +++
> The Science and Technology Leadership Association (STeLA), under the
> auspices of the MIT-Japan Program, will host Leadership Forum 2007, a
> 10-day intensive workshop, in Tokyo in August 2007. The purpose of the
> forum is (1) to create an intellectual network of advanced
> undergraduate and graduate students in science and technology like
> you, (2) to prepare you to play leadership roles as technologists
> throughout your career, and (3) to expose you to culture, science and
> technology in Japan.
> Please come to our information session, scheduled on
> (1)   Tuesday, April 3, 2007 at 6pm in 1-135, MIT.
> (2)   Thursday, April 5, 2007, Harvard (time and location TBA;
>       Please check our website)
> For more information of STeLA and schedule of our forum, please visit
> our website at <http://web.mit.edu/stela07/forum2007/index.html>.
> Looking forward to seeing you at the info session!
> (stela-info at mit.edu)

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