[E&E seminars] MIT Re-Generator: Feb 12th 6:30 Stata Center...Get Plugged In

Elsa A Olivetti elsao at MIT.EDU
Tue Feb 6 15:28:12 EST 2007

Announcing:    The MIT Re-Generator:
               Join Students Walking the Talk
               on Energy and the Environment

               Monday, February 12th, 6:30PM to 9PM
               Stata 4th Floor: R&D Common
               Snacks provided

               PLUG INTO energy and environment working groups


The first MIT Generator in Fall 2006 was a huge success - a dozen
working groups got started, rolling up their sleeves to tackle tough
energy and environment issues on the MIT campus.

The Re-Generator will give the MIT community a chance to
learn about the progress of these existing groups or start new ones.
Introduction by Leon Glicksman, Faculty Chair of the MIT Energy
Initiative "Walking the talk" task force.

Come learn about:
      -Energy usage audits and campus energy maps
      -Dorm electricity competitions
      -Transportation and biodiesel
      -Goals and targets for campus energy and carbon emissions
      -Visions for campus and personal sustainability
      -Campus waste
      -Potential Spring UROPs
      -A graduation pledge toward social and environmental responsibility
      AND MORE....

Sponsored jointly by S*, MIT Energy Club, UACSC, SfGS, SAVE, MIT Student
      Pugwash, and Sloan Net Impact
With support from the Environmental Programs Office (EPO),
      Laboratory for Energy and the Environment (LFEE), and MIT Facilities

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