[E&E seminars] LeadingGreen@ MIT this Thursday!!!!!!!!

Kathreen kathreen at MIT.EDU
Sat Dec 1 00:20:37 EST 2007

Students for Global Sustainability and the MIT Pledge Effort Present


Courtesy of the GreenLiving series

Thursday, Dec 6, 2007

PDR1, Student Center (W20) 3rd Floor


Discussion facilitated by:

Laxmi Rao, Energy Coordinator of IS&T

Jason Jay & Elsa Olivetti, founders of the MIT Generator Coalition

Ever wanted to take a stand on sustainability, but don't know how? Come join a 
discussion to learn how to take personal
leadership in sustainability! You will be guided by inspiring addresses by 
Laxmi Rao, Energy Coordinator for IT, and Jason
and Elsa, founders of the MIT Generator Coalition.  In addition, serving as 
facilitators will be current MIT staff and
student leaders in the environment and sustainability movements.

Dinner will be served.

SfGS: http://web.mit.edu/sfgs/
MIT Pledge Effort: http://sustainability.mit.edu/Pledge

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