[E&E seminars] WED (4/18)-Searching for a Sustainable Energy Future - Dr. Patrick Moore

Karen Gibson kgibson at MIT.EDU
Tue Apr 17 09:28:57 EDT 2007

Searching for a Sustainable Energy Future - Dr. Patrick Moore
Wednesday, April 18
12:30 pm


Nuclear energy is the only non-greenhouse-gas-emitting power source  
that can effectively replace fossil fuels and satisfy global energy  
demand. Yet it’s clear that much of the environmental movement— 
including Greenpeace, the group the author co-founded and helped lead  
for 15 years—has lost its way, caught up in politically correct  
ideology and stooping to sensationalism to garner support. There is  
now a great deal of scientific evidence showing nuclear power to be  
an environmentally sound and safe choice.

According to the Clean Air Council, annual power plant emissions are  
responsible for 36 percent of carbon dioxide, 64 percent of sulfur  
dioxide, 26 percent of nitrogen oxides, and 33 percent of mercury  
emissions. These four pollutants cause significant environmental  
impact, including acid rain, smog, respiratory illness, mercury  
contamination, and are the major contributors to greenhouse gas  
emissions. In addition to a renewed push for nuclear power, the  
author also believes there should be a much greater emphasis on  
renewable energy production, and argues the four most important  
renewable energy technologies are hydro-electric power, wind energy,  
biomass energy and ground-source heat pumps, known as geothermal or  

Learn more about Greenspirit Strategies Ltd. at http:// 
www.greenspiritstrategies.com/ .

Dr. Patrick Moore is an internationally-renowned ecologist and  
environmentalist. Beginning his career as an activist and founder of  
Greenpeace where he worked in the top committee for 15 years, today  
Dr. Moore concentrates on collaborative efforts aimed at finding  
sustainability solutions. An accomplished author, photographer and  
public speaker quoted in the media worldwide, Dr. Moore believes  
strongly in the multi-stakeholder, consensus-based approach to  
resolving environmental, social, and economic issues. In 1991 Dr.  
Moore founded parent Greenspirit Enterprises. Chair and Chief  
Scientist of Greenspirit Strategies Ltd., Patrick is based in  
Vancouver and Winter Harbour, Canada.

Light refreshment will be provided.

Co-sponsored by the Laboratory for Energy and the Environment and the  
Department of Nuclear Science and Engineering.

Karen  L. Gibson
MIT Laboratory For Energy and the Environment
77 Massachusetts Avenue, E40-469
Cambridge, MA 02139  USA
(1 Amherst St., E40-469, Cambridge MA 02142 - for DHL and FedEx)
Tel:  +1 617 258-6368; Fax:  +1 617 258-6590

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