[E&E seminars] April 10: Graduation Pledge Event with Dinner

Beth Conlin bconlin at MIT.EDU
Thu Apr 5 11:18:12 EDT 2007

Making It Personal: How can you take Society & the Environment to Work?

      April 10, 2007
      6:00 - 7:30pm
      TSMC Lobby (Stata Center First Floor)

Presented by The Graduation Pledge Effort

  * Rebecca Henderson, Eastman Kodak Professor of Management, MIT Sloan 
  * E. Sarah Slaughter, Associate Professor, MIT Department of Civil and 
Environmental Engineering

People often affect the world most directly through their careers. Join 
Dr. Rebecca Henderson, Dr. Sarah Slaughter, and your fellow students for 
a discussion of social and environmental responsibility in the working 
world. Learn about the Graduation Pledge, a way to focus and express 
commitment toward socially and environmentally responsible career 
choices. Dinner will be provided, so don't be late! Visit 
http://sustainability.mit.edu/Pledge to learn more about the Graduation 

Sponsored by MIT Student Pugwash, Students for Global Sustainability, 
the MIT Generator, and the Undergraduate Association's Campus 
Sustainability Committee. Funding graciously provided by Student Life 
Christopher J. Sequeira
MIT Aeronautics, Technology and Policy Program
csequeir at mit.edu

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