[E&E seminars] Energy Club Lecture - "An Introduction to Electricity Law"

Kristian Bodek kbodek at MIT.EDU
Wed Nov 15 08:10:05 EST 2006

Today is the fifth Energy Club lecture of the semester. See below for




Kristian Bodek

Vice President, MIT Energy Club <http://web.mit.edu/mit_energy/> 





"An Introduction to Electricity Law"

Don McCauley

Partner, McCauley Lyman
Wednesday November 15, 2006  6:00-7:00pm
 E51-149 (Tang Center)



The presentation will review the development of electricity law in the
United States, focusing on issues of competition, regulation, public
interest and financial malfeasance in shaping the law, following which it
will discuss the current balance between competition and regulation in the
industry.  Finally it will focus on some issues central to the future course
of the law: retail competition and renewable energy.  




Don McCauley is an attorney in Waltham MA with over twenty years experience
in energy law matters.  He was General Counsel of Citizens Power LLC, an
electricity trading company, and is also President of Minuteman Wind LLC,
which is developing a wind powered electric project in Savoy, MA.


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