[E&E seminars] MIT Generator, November 14th, 6:45PM... BE THE SPARK!

Elsa A Olivetti elsao at MIT.EDU
Tue Nov 7 12:30:53 EST 2006

Did you know that MIT spends $1 Million PER WEEK on non-renewable energy?
Do you want to change the fact that we emit 270,000 METRIC TONS of
carbon dioxide per year?
Would you like to see MIT walk the talk on these issues?  Come to the..

                   MIT GENERATOR:
                   Students Walking the Talk
                   on Energy and the Environment

                   Tuesday, November 14th, 6:45 to 9PM
                   Stata Center, Room 32-141
                   (Dessert will be served)

                   SPARK a new project team
                   PLUG INTO an existing one


The Generator will include:
*Information about how YOU can get involved in greening our campus
*Opportunity to join (or initiate!) action teams focused on targeted
improvement areas:
     -Green Buildings
     -Energy usage Audits
     -Lighting and Fume Hood usage
     -Transportation and Biodiesel
     -Goals and Targets for Campus energy and carbon emissions
     AND MORE....
*Development of plans, milestones, and follow-up strategy for each of
the action teams to ensure real impact

Sponsored jointly by S*, MIT Energy Club, SfGS, SAVE, MIT Student Pugwash,
       and Sloan Net Impact
With support from the Environmental Programs Office (EPO),
       Laboratory for Energy and the Environment (LFEE), and MIT Facilities

If you have questions about the Generator, contact Jason Jay
<jjay at mit.edu>

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