[E&E seminars] Sustainability@Sloan Speaker Series Kick Off 11/8

kate parrot kparrot at MIT.EDU
Sat Nov 4 23:54:17 EST 2006

MIT Sloan is kicking off it's Sustainability Speakers Series this 
Wendnesday, 11/8. The Sustainability at Sloan Speakers Series hosts 
thought-leaders, practitioners, and innovators to speak about 
environmental, social, and economic sustainability. The series offers 
a variety of engaging speakers during the fall and spring, with the 
intent of expanding our understanding of the nature, purpose and 
impact of business in the twenty-first century.

The first invited guest of the series, Carol Sanford, is an inspiring 
and motivational speaker who will speak about the important role that 
business plays in ensuring that sustainability is not just about 
doing less of the "bads," but also about striving creatively towards 
abundance and regenerative practices.


The Sustainability at Sloan Speaker Series kicks off
with motivational speaker Carol Sanford,
for one of MIT Sloan Net Impact's
flagship events of the year

WHAT: Sustainability is Only Half the Solution, Regeneration is the Other Half

WHEN: Wednesday, November 8

WHERE: E51-335, MIT Sloan School of Management

Food? Heavy appetizers will be served

DESCRIPTION: Carol Sanford is a consultant to Seventh Generation and 
has worked for almost 30 years with businesses worldwide on building 
regenerative practices. Carol's work not only avoids the tradeoffs 
between business and sustainability that are often thought necessary, 
but also create quantum jumps in human and business growth and 
profitability. In Carol's approach, growth and profitability come 
through, not in spite of, ensuring healthy work places and engaged 
employees; improving the environment by actively participating with 
nature in growing living systems; and building place-based identity 
in communities. Carol's clients, in addition to Seventh Generation, 
include DuPont, Colgate Palmolive Europe and Africa, Sharp 
Electronics, Agilent, and many others. (www.interoctave.com)


Kate W. Parrot
PhD Candidate
Organization Studies Group
MIT Sloan School of Management

Cell: 857-523-8234
Home: 617-623-3267
Email: kparrot at mit.edu
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