[Env seminars] Energy Club discussion - Energy Student Research Showcase TODAY

Michael Berlinski mberlins at MIT.EDU
Wed Mar 8 10:42:00 EST 2006

Today's MIT Energy Club discussion will feature short presentations by 
graduate students on their research. This is an opportunity to see what 
kinds of energy research are going on around campus, and to learn what MIT 
grad students do when they're not busy organizing Energy Club events.

Wed, Mar 8, 5:00-6:00PM, MIT, R&D Common - outside R&D Pub (Stata Center, 
4th floor)

Coal Project, Coal in India
Joint Program on the Science and Policy of Global Change, Electric Power in 
EPPA model
Laboratory for Ship and Platform Flows, Floating Wind Turbine Platforms
Building Technology
Sloan Auto Lab, Center for 21st Century Energy, Vehicle Efficiency

Contact: Mike Berlinski, mberlins at mit.edu
Part of the MIT Energy Discussion Series (MIT Energy Club)

Michael Berlinski
Technology & Policy Program
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
mberlins at mit.edu

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