[Env seminars] IAP Series from CANES

Karen Gibson kgibson at MIT.EDU
Mon Jan 9 09:42:22 EST 2006

> IAP 2006: Nuclear Energy and National Security
> (http://web.mit.edu/canes/iap.html)
> Eight lectures on nuclear energy and security presented by experts 
> from academia, national laboratories and industry.  All lectures are 
> at the Stata Building, Room 32-141
>  January 17
>> 1:30 pm"Introduction to Nuclear Energy and National Security"Dr. 
>> Walter Kato, MIT
>> 3:00 pm"The Future of Commercial Nuclear Power in the US"Admiral 
>> Frank L. (Skip) Bowman, President, Nuclear Energy Institute
> January 19
>> 1:30 pm"Routes to Weapons via Nuclear Fuel Cycle"Dr. Marvin Miller, 
>> MIT Center for International Studies
>> 3:00 pm"Making the World Safer for Nuclear Power"Professor Ernest 
>> Moniz, co-Director, MIT Laboratory for Energy and the Environment
> January 24
>> 1:30 pm"Nuclear Nonproliferation Agreements and Current Issues"Mr. 
>> Matt Bunn, Harvard University, Kennedy School of Government
>> 3:00 pm"Risk-Informed Management of Nuclear Power Plants"Professor 
>> George Apostolakis, MIT; Member, NRC Advisory Committee on Reactor 
>> Safeguards
> January 26
>> 1:30 pm"Nuclear is Only One Energy Security Issue"Institute Professor 
>> John Deutch, MIT
>> 3:00 pm"IAEA Safeguards Approaches and Issues"Dr. Brian Boyer, 
>> Brookhaven National Laboratory
> -- 
>  *****************************
>  Mujid S. Kazimi
>  Director, Center for Advanced Nuclear Energy Systems
>  TEPCO Professor of Nuclear Engineering and
>  Professor of Mechanical Engineering
>  Room 24-215 ,  MIT
>  Cambridge, Massachusetts  02139
>  Tel: 617-253-4206 , email: kazimi at mit.edu
>  *****************************
Karen  L. Gibson
Program Assistant
MIT Laboratory For Energy and the Environment
77 Massachusetts Avenue, E40-469
(1 Amherst St., E40-469 - for DHL and FedEx)
Cambridge, MA 02139  USA
Tel:  1 (617) 258-6368; Fax:  1 (617) 258-6590

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