[Env seminars] 2/16 5 PM Mtg of Students for Global Sustainability

Beth Conlin bconlin at MIT.EDU
Wed Feb 15 10:34:45 EST 2006

Attn: MIT Students

*Are you interested in sustainable development?*
*Do you care about our planet earth?*

The Students for Global Sustainability (http://web.mit.edu/sfgs/)will be
having its beginning of term meeting Thursday, 16 February at 5p in the
Stata center cafe on the first floor.

5-530p: Learn about the Annual Meeting in Rasa, Switzerland (see email 
from Christine Ng for more details)

530p onwards: Learn about how you can get involved with Earth Day, the 
Zero-Waste Party and other activities of the term.  We will also be 
folding our guide to living sustainably in Cambridge and at MIT for 
distribution to the student body.  This will be a great chance for you 
to meet other students interested in sustainability and find out 
everything you wanted to know about SfGS.

Light refreshments will be served.

Contact: Ari Shapiro, ashapiro at whoi.edu

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