[Env seminars] MIT Energy Lecture Series, Wed 5/4 4PM: "Photovoltaics: Making It a Player" - Emmanuel Sachs and Michael Rogol

David Thomas Danielson dtdaniel at MIT.EDU
Tue May 3 17:06:34 EDT 2005



Wed (TOMORROW) 5/4, 4-5PM, E40-496

"Photovoltaics: Making It A Player"

Prof. Emmanuel Sachs, MIT Dept of Mechanical Engineering, Inventor of Evergreen
Solar's String Ribbon Si

Michael Rogol, PhD Candidate - MIT ESD, Solar Energy Market Analyst

This talk will address the key technology and market issues associated with
making photovoltaics a major player in global energy production. Prof. Sachs
will share his perspective on the key technical issues facing photovoltaics,
including the future of the photovoltaics manufacturing and technology and how
they will affect the learning curve for cost reduction. He will also provide
his view of where he thinks MIT in particular stands with respect to the arena
of energy. Mr. Rogol will compliment Prof. Sachs technical focus by sharing his
views on what the key forces are that will drive the photovoltaics market
towards higher manufacturing volumes and down the learning curve in both the
short and long term.


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