[Env seminars] Sustainability in the Food Industry--Open Events at Tufts University

Melissa Bailey melissa.bailey at tufts.edu
Sun Mar 27 15:23:14 EST 2005

Please distribute widely! Both events are open to the public and are being 
held in the ASEAN Auditorium at Cabot Hall, Tufts University, 160 Packard 
Avenue, Medford, MA. 

1) Gary Hirshberg, President and CEO of Stonyfield Farm:
"From Sustainability to Survivability: The New Business Paradigm"
Thursday, March 31 at 7 pm, ASEAN Auditorium, The Fletcher School

2) "From Production to Plate:
Leaders' Perspectives on Sustainable Food Strategies"

Friday, April 1, 9 am -11 am, ASEAN Auditorium, The Fletcher School


Wilbur Bullock- W.K. Kellogg Food and Society Policy Fellow, The Food 
Elysa Hammond- Ecologist, Clif Bar
Maureen Knapp- Dairy Farmer, Organic Valley
Rob Nooter- Director of External Affairs, Land O’Lakes
Jennifer Wilkins- W.K. Kellogg Food and Society Policy Fellow,
Cornell University

Moderator: Kathleen Merrigan
Director of the Agriculture, Food and Environment graduate program,
The Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy at Tufts University

For more information, please see http://fletcher.tufts.edu/fcia
Melissa Bailey, M.S. 
Assistant Director
International Environment & Resource Policy Program
The Fletcher School, Tufts University

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