[Env seminars] Lecture on Climate Change and Developing Countries, March 18
Karen Gibson
kgibson at MIT.EDU
Thu Mar 10 08:54:25 EST 2005
Upcoming Event:
Developing Countries' Contribution to the Climate Change Issue: The
Case of India
Lecture by
Leena Srivastava
Executive Director, The Energy and Resources Institute <http://www.teriin.org/>
Friday, March 18
2:00 PM
MIT Building 6 Room 120
Map at:
public reception to follow
Summary: Progress on full developed country participation in
addressing the problem of climate change is being held up due to the
perceived non-participation of developing countries. Is this
perception true? What are the barriers to taking on commitments? What
is going to be India's role in the future? What can it do to respond
to the threat of climate change?
Biography: Leena Srivastava is currently the Executive Director,
TERI, New Delhi, and Senior Vice President of TERI-North America. She
was the Director of the Regulatory Studies and Governance Division,
TERI from April 1999-March 2003 and of the Policy Analysis Division
for five years before that. TERI is an independent not-for-profit
research institution working in the areas of energy, environment and
sustainable development.
Dr. Srivastava has been the Dean, Faculty of Policy and Planning,
TERI School of Advanced Studies since June 2000 where she teaches
doctoral courses on Energy Policy and Planning and Infrastructure
Economics. She has a Ph.D. in Energy Economics from the Indian
Institute of Science in Bangalore, India. She has a number of
publications to her credit and is on the Editorial Boards of various
international journals dealing with energy and environment issues.
Dr. Srivastava was a Coordinating Lead Author on Working Group III of
the Third Assessment Report of the IPCC and is currently the Anchor
for Sustainable Development and Climate Change for the Fourth
Assessment Report.
Sponsored by:
MIT Laboratory for Energy and the Environment
MIT Students for Global Sustainability
More Info:
Beth Conlin
Education Program
MIT Laboratory for Energy and the Environment
<mailto:bconlin at mit.edu>bconlin at mit.edu
Karen L. Gibson
Program Assistant
MIT Laboratory For Energy and the Environment
77 Massachusetts Avenue, E40-469
(1 Amherst St., E40-469 - for DHL and FedEx)
Cambridge, MA 02139 USA
Tel: 1 (617) 258-6368; Fax: 1 (617) 258-6590
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