[Env seminars] The Monthly Bale: June/July and WGR's E-Calendar: June

Amy B. Donovan adonovan at MIT.EDU
Fri Jun 3 11:36:52 EDT 2005

The Monthly Bale

(Bale=A compacted and bound cube of recycled material.)
An informative and inspirational newsletter from the Working Group 
Recycling Committee to MIT Recycling Ambassadors, colleagues, and the MIT 

Volume 2, No. 3
June/July 2005

         The Working Group Recycling Committee invites you to read the 
June/July issue of The Monthly Bale, now posted on our website at: 

         This issue closes the first academic year of The Monthly Bale. We 
would like to thank our readers, our Recycling Ambassadors, WGR committee 
members, Bale contributors, and the MIT community for supporting us in our 
quest to educate and inform the MIT community about reducing, reusing and 
recycling the goods we use everyday. The next issue of The Monthly Bale 
will be posted September '05.
         Reusing is the focus of this issue as we spotlight MIT's many 
reuse systems, including: the Stata Center's biofiltration stormwater 
management system, MIT's food and yard waste composting program, Stuff 
Fest, and more. With so many programs to choose from, it's easy to reuse 
rather than trash unwanted items, such as: computer equipment, furniture, 
batteries, and household goods.

The Monthly Bale is posted on our website for online reading or, if you 
prefer to print it out, please print double-sided on recycled paper.
To read current or archived issues of The Monthly Bale, please visit: 
Our June e-calendar features the latest recycling tips (and wonderful 
graphics) from this month's sponsor, MIT Department of Facilities. To 
download, go to: http://web.mit.edu/wgrecycling/calendars.shtml

The mission of the MIT Working Group Recycling Committee is to develop and 
deliver programs that educate administrative and support staff about 
recycling, reducing and reusing goods. Efforts include 
identifying/addressing gaps in staff understanding about recycling as well 
as gaps in recycling resources and creating ways to increase recycling at MIT.
For more information about the Working Group Recycling Committee, please 
visit: http://web.mit.edu/wgrecycling/index.shtml
For more information about the Recycling Ambassadors Plus Program, please 
visit: http://web.mit.edu/wgrecycling/ambassadors_plus.shtml

Amy Donovan
Co-Chair, Working Group Recycling Committee http://web.mit.edu/wgrecycling/
a subcommittee of WGSSI: http://web.mit.edu/committees/wgssi/
Editor, The Monthly Bale http://web.mit.edu/wgrecycling/monthly_bale.shtml
adonovan at mit.edu
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