[Env seminars] "Carbon Sequestration Programs at BP", Gardiner Hill, July 27

Karen Gibson kgibson at MIT.EDU
Fri Jul 22 18:07:43 EDT 2005


"Carbon Sequestration Programs at BP"
Gardiner Hill, BP
Wednesday July 27
9:30 am

Gardiner Hill will give an informal seminar on BP's sequestration 
program, including their recent activity involving building a power 
plant whose CO2 output will be captured and used for enhanced oil 
recovery (EOR).

Karen  L. Gibson
Program Assistant
MIT Laboratory For Energy and the Environment
77 Massachusetts Avenue, E40-469
(1 Amherst St., E40-469 - for DHL and FedEx)
Cambridge, MA 02139  USA
Tel:  1 (617) 258-6368; Fax:  1 (617) 258-6590
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