[Env seminars] ROOM CHANGE: 'Moving IGCC Forward'-Norman Shilling, GE Energy, 7/13/05

Karen Gibson kgibson at MIT.EDU
Mon Jul 11 17:25:29 EDT 2005

Moving IGCC Forward

Norman Shilling
IGCC Product Line Manager
GE Energy

Wednesday, July 13
9:00 am

GE Energy is a world leader in Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle 
(IGCC) -- a flexible and efficient technology for converting coal and 
other hydrocarbons into power and other valuable products. With its 
recent acquisition of ChevronTexaco gasification, GE has combined the 
power and process blocks to be able to provide a more fully 
integrated design and a single-source for supply of IGCC plants. 
IGCC utilizes gasification technology to generate efficient power at 
significantly reduced environmental emissions.  It then combines 
gasification technology's feedstock flexibility and environmental 
benefits with combined cycle technology's high efficiency power 

IGCC presents a number of key benefits to industry, including fuel 
flexibility, co-generation capability, and reduced environmental 
emissions when compared to conventional coal fired boilers.   Because 
IGCC can use almost any hydrocarbon feedstock and can accommodate 
high sulfur levels in the feed, it can use low value feeds.  IGCC can 
also be used to convert and refuel natural gas combined cycle power 
plants into coal-fueled power plants, thereby providing additional 
fuel diversification and benefits.

There are many environmental benefits to IGCC, including reduced air 
emissions, reduced water solids discharges, reduced water usage, the 
ability to control mercury, and lower carbon dioxide generation 
rates.  In addition, the byproducts from the IGCC process (slag and 
sulfur) are marketable and their sale may generate additional revenue 
for the facility.  IGCC is also well positioned to provide future CO2 
capture much more economically than combustion coal power should 
carbon constraints materialize.

These benefits, together with continued advances in IGCC due to the 
investment that GE is making in both process technology and advanced 
IGCC gas turbines, will position this technology as the foremost 
technology for cleaner, more economical, and more efficient power 

Sponsored by the MIT Future of Coal Study

Karen  L. Gibson
Program Assistant
MIT Laboratory For Energy and the Environment
77 Massachusetts Avenue, E40-469
(1 Amherst St., E40-469 - for DHL and FedEx)
Cambridge, MA 02139  USA
Tel:  1 (617) 258-6368; Fax:  1 (617) 258-6590
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