[Env seminars] BSCE-MIT CEE Annual Freeman Lecture, April 14, 6 pm, MIT Tang Center

Gayle Sherman gsherman at MIT.EDU
Wed Apr 13 18:07:59 EDT 2005

You are cordially invited to attend the annual John R. Freeman Lecture on 
Thursday April 14, at the MIT Tang Center.  Excellent food & libations will 
be served by the MIT Faculty Club beginning at 6 pm in the foyer.  Prof. 
Peter Rogers, Gordon McKay Professor of Environmental Engineering and 
Professor of City Planning at Harvard University will address the topic, 
"Global Water Crisis: Myth or Reality?" at 7pm.

See the web site for details: http://ceeserver3.mit.edu/freeman/events2.html
The MIT map is located at: http://whereis.mit.edu/map-jpg


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