[LFEE seminars] Oct 20th Hvd/MIT Environmental Economics & Policy Seminar

Malinda Nicolosi malindan at MIT.EDU
Tue Oct 19 17:02:18 EDT 2004

Rema Hanna

"The Impact of Environmental Regulation on Foreign Direct Investment: Evidence
 From U.S. Firm Level Data."

October 20th

4:00 - 5:30 p.m.
Building E51, Room 151
70 Memorial Drive
Cambridge, MA
Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Harvard ENR-551y/Econ 2690hf
Robert Stavins and Martin Weitzman
MIT Econ 14.391
Michael Greenstone

Course website, http://www.courses.fas.harvard.edu/~ec2690hf/

Malinda Nicolosi
malindan at mit.edu
Department of Economics MIT E52-280
50 Memorial Drive
Cambridge, MA 02142, USA
ph:  (617) 258-0777
fax: (617) 253-6915

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