[Env seminars] Talk on Sustainable Development

jellyfin@MIT.EDU jellyfin at MIT.EDU
Thu Nov 11 09:32:09 EST 2004

FYI - we had been asked to forward the following Seminar information 
in case you would be
	interested in attending.  Any questions please contact Lisa 
Eschenback as noted below.

>>>- open to the public
>>>Speaker:  Mr. Børge Brende, Norwegian Minister of Trade and Industry

>>>Title:	"Sustainable Development - Global Challenges Require
>>>			Global Responses"

>>>Date and time:  Wednesday, Nov 17, 2004 from 2:15-4:00pm

>>>Location:	Minda de Gunzburg Center for European Studies,
>>>			Harvard University
>>>			27 Kirkland Street, Garden Room
>>>Sponsored by the EU/US Challenges Series, Center for European 
>>>Studies and co-sponsored by Weatherhead Center for International 
>>>Affairs, Harvard University
>>>Lisa M. Eschenbach
>>>Program Administrator
>>>Minda de Gunzburg Center for European Studies
>>>Harvard University
>>>27 Kirkland Street
>>>Cambridge MA  02138  USA
>>>tel: 617.495.4303 x231
>>>fax: 617.495.8509
>>>web: http://www.ces.fas.harvard.edu
Jacqueline A. Donoghue
Senior Assistant to Director
Professor David H. Marks
Laboratory for Energy and the Environment
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Room E40-455
77 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, MA 02139-4307
Tel:   617-253-7103
Fax:  617-258-6099
E-mail: jellyfin at mit.edu
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