[Env seminars] Yucca Mountain Lecture (Dec 7)

Mujid S. Kazimi kazimi at MIT.EDU
Wed Dec 1 14:07:14 EST 2004

Class 22.351: Systems Analysis of the Nuclear Fuel Cycle has a 
scheduled talk that may be of interest to you.

Title: Disposal of Commercial Spent Nuclear Fuel: The National Program

Speaker: Dr. Steve Hanauer of the Office of Repository Development of DOE

Time 2:30 pm on Tuesday December 7, 2004

Place:  Room 37-212

Dr. Hanauer will outline the steps that have been taken to define the 
design limits,  regulatory issues and the progress made in 
preparation of the safety case for pre-closure and post-closure 
conditions of the planned high level waste repository at Yucca 
Mountain, Nevada

All are welcome to attend.
Mujid S. Kazimi
Director, Center for Advanced Nuclear Energy Systems
TEPCO Professor of Nuclear Engineering and
Professor of Mechanical Engineering
Room 24-215, MIT
Cambridge, Massachusetts, 02139
617-253-4206, Kazimi at mit.edu
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