[E&S-seminars] TODAY! - MA Env Secretary on Oceans

Beth Conlin bconlin at MIT.EDU
Tue Apr 20 10:06:57 EDT 2004


Massachusetts Environmental Affairs Secretary Speaks on New Oceans Report..


Please forward to all interested parties


We apologize, most sincerely, for inevitable cross-postings


MIT's Laboratory for Energy and the Environment invites you to hear


Ellen Roy Herzfelder

Secretary of Environmental Affairs

Commonwealth of Massachusetts


speaking on


"Waves of Change"

      A New Report on Oceans in Massachusetts


Tuesday, April 20th

Room E25-111


Lecture: 4:00 - 5:00 PM

Reception: 5:00 - 5:30 PM


The Secretary will discuss this report's comprehensive recommendations on
ocean issues and how Massachusetts is trying to systemically manage its
relationship to the ocean. 


The report is a product of the landmark Massachusetts Ocean Management
Initiative and touches on a spectrum of issues including coastal
development, fisheries, off-shore construction, habitat preservation,
ocean-based research, climate change, marine commerce, recreation and public


The Secretary will also discuss the wider scope of her work at the Executive
Office of Environmental Affairs and other topics of interest.

Co-founder of an energy company hailed for its environmentally friendly
practices, Secretary Herzfelder was a senior lecturer in entrepreneurship at
the MIT Sloan School of Management before being appointed Secretary of
Environmental Affairs in January 2003 by Governor Mitt Romney.

Read the Waves of Change report at:

More info: bconlin at mit.edu, 617-452-3199



Beth Conlin

Education Program Coordinator

Laboratory for Energy and the Environment

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

E40-481, 1 Amherst St.

Cambridge, MA 02139


bconlin at mit.edu


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