[E&S-seminars] Sustainable Development Seminar Series - Sustainable Cities 12/02 and 12/04

Philip Sheehy sheehy at MIT.EDU
Sun Nov 30 23:33:12 EST 2003

The Students for Global Sustainability, MIT Student Pugwash, Engineers 
Without Frontiers and Design that Matters invite you to:

Sustainable Development Seminar Series
Sustainable Cities

Sustainable Initiatives in Cambridge
Henrietta Davis, Vice Mayor of Cambridge
Tuesday December 02, 2003 at 5:30PM in 4-237

Greening Community Development:  A View from the Field
William Shutkin, President of New Ecology, Inc.
Thursday December 04, 2003 at 5PM in 4-237

snacks and refreshments provided
please forward to any interested parties

sponsored by Large Event Funding
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