[E&S-seminars] Reminder: William Shutkin to speak tonight: Greening Community Development at 5PM in 4-237

Philip Sheehy sheehy at MIT.EDU
Thu Dec 4 11:33:35 EST 2003

The Students for Global Sustainability, MIT Student Pugwash, Engineers 
Without Frontiers and Design that Matters invite you to:

Sustainable Development Seminar Series
Sustainable Cities

Greening Community Development:  A View from the Field
William Shutkin, President of New Ecology, Inc.
Thursday December 04, 2003 at 5PM in 4-237

It's easy to talk about sustainable development, but harder to practice it. 
Walking the walk of sustainable development involves first and foremost 
building new capacities within existing institutions. Where do these 
opportunities lie in the field of planning and development? What are some 
of the leverage points?

snacks and refreshments provided
please forward to any interested parties

this event is sponsored by Large Event Funding
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