[Editors] phonetic spelling inquiry

Andrew Whitacre awhit at mit.edu
Wed Aug 17 14:14:12 EDT 2016

Though to keep it baffling, apparently the actual Latin pronunciation is
SHY-yen-tsee-ah, spoken through a smile. Seriously, tell me this voice
isn't smiling: https://translate.google.com/#la/en/Scientia (Click the
speaker icon)

Andrew Whitacre
Communications Director
Comparative Media Studies/Writing
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
awhit at mit.edu | cmsw.mit.edu | 617-324-0490 | LinkedIn

On Wed, Aug 17, 2016 at 1:17 PM, David L Chandler <dlc1 at mit.edu> wrote:

> I’m not sure what your intended use is, but in my experience the version
> you got from Merriam Webster would never be seen anywhere outside of a
> dictionary. If you’re including this in a press release, a news story, a
> letter, or a magazine article, I would definitely stick with the SEE *EN* TEE
> AH.
> I’m pretty sure there is no such thing as a “correct” phonetic spelling.
> Different dictionaries use different systems. What you want is just
> something that’s clearly understandable by the intended reader.
> On Aug 17, 2016, at 1:04 PM, Julie Pryor <jpryor at mit.edu> wrote:
> Happy summer, editors!
> I have an unusual question and I have a feeling someone on this list may
> know the answer. I’m looking for the phonetic spelling of the word
> *Scientia *, which, according to my source, is pronounced like this:
> Note that this may not be the *only* way to pronounce this word, and it
> may not even be the *correct* way to pronounce this word, but I have to
> come up with the phonetic spelling for this specific pronunciation.
> Based on the Merriam Webster definition of scientia
> <http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/scientia>, I gather that the
> correct phonetic spelling is this:
> *sēˈentēə*
> But I’d like an independent source to confirm. I’m not up to speed on my
> phonetic spellings. Is there an online resource for this kind of thing? Or
> would anyone on this list know if I’m on the right track? Thanks for any
> help you can provide!
> Signed,
> Julie
> (Joo-lee)
> --
> Julie Pryor
> Communications Administrator
> McGovern Institute for Brain Research at MIT
> 77 Massachusetts Avenue
> Cambridge MA 02139
> t: 617.715.5397
> e: jpryor at mit.edu
> w: mcgovern.mit.edu
> Connect <http://connect.mit.edu/profile/mcgovern-institute-brain-research> with
> us on social media!
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