[Editors] MIT Editors' Club Minutes: September 2015

Elizabeth A Thomson thomson at mit.edu
Fri Sep 18 08:44:59 EDT 2015


*Meeting Notes from September 17, 2015*

*Useful  Stuff*

Just a reminder that MIT offers a program to help you save all of your passwords in one place. LastPass lets you either 1) create your own passwords, which are stored in a vault, or 2) creates passwords for you. It automatically populates the username/password blank spaces on a site (how cool is that!).

For more info, go to IS&T’s LastPass Enterprise page: http://ist.mit.edu/lastpass

Also, here's an IS&T article that covers much the same content, though there are some differences:


*New Leadership*

At this meeting I announced that I will be leaving MIT. My last day is next Monday, September 21.

Never fear, MIT Editors' Club will continue! Thank you to Bara Blender of Communication Production Services, who will take my place as convenor. Also, a hearty thanks to my co-convenor for all these years, Robyn Fizz of IS&T, who created this club's listserv and helped me solve the occasional computer-related snafus.

*Thank you*

Many thanks to Najat Kessler of the Picower Institute for Learning and Memory, who hosted this meeting.

*Next Meetings*

The Fall 2015 meetings of MIT Editors' Club will be held at the following locations. All meetings are from 12-1. Feel free to bring a lunch.

Wednesday, October 14
(Resource Development)

Tuesday, November 17

Thursday, December 17

Monday, January 11, 2016
(Office of Sponsored Programs)

I wish all of you all the best,


Elizabeth A. Thomson
Senior Writer
MIT Resource Development
Office of Communications
600 Memorial Dr., W98-300
617-258-5563, 857-756-9457
<thomson at mit.edu<mailto:thomson at mit.edu>>, giving.mit.edu<http://giving.mit.edu>

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