[Editors] APIs

Elizabeth McManus Hemrajani lmcmanus at mit.edu
Wed Sep 9 16:26:15 EDT 2015

Thanks Iana for this info and for the overview this morning!

For people who are not familiar with APIs, could you provide a quick overview into what they are - specifically in relation to websites displaying course and people data?

Thanks again! Your team has done impressive work!
From: Iana Vitkova
Sent: Wednesday, September 09, 2015 3:55 PM
To: editors at mit.edu
Cc: Elizabeth McManus Hemrajani; Amber B Bennoui
Subject: APIs

Hi everyone,

My name is Iana and I am the product owner of the APIs initiative in IS&T.  Lizz McManus Hemrajani referred me to your mailing list, since the APIs that our team is building might be useful to members of this group.  Currently we have a People API which provides basic directory information about people at MIT, a Subjects API which provides course catalog information and this Friday we will be releasing a Courses API, which provides information on graduate and undergraduate courses of study.  You can find more information on these APIs on our developer connection portal:  https://developers.mit.edu/api .

If anyone on this mailing list has additional data needs that our team could expose through APIs we would love to hear about them.



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