[Editors] recomemndation for scientific copy editor?

Lois E Slavin lslavin at mit.edu
Wed Sep 2 21:41:45 EDT 2015

Hello Charles,

I’d like to suggest you consider contacting Elaine Gottlieb. She writes for academic medical centers, including Cleveland Clinic and Massachusetts General Hospital, and health-related organizations including the Parkinson’s Disease Foundation. Her work appears online and in newsletters, magazines and journals. She has written extensively about neuroscience, covering major diseases including Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease and other movement disorders, epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, and stroke. She also edits for members of the medical community.

Elaine can be reached at elainego at verizon.net<mailto:elainego at verizon.net>.

Kind regards,

MITsdm | MITidm
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Lois Slavin
Communications Director
System Design & Management (SDM)
Integrated Design & Management (IDM)
Building E40-315
Cambridge, MA  02139-4307

On Aug 31, 2015, at 11:43 AM, Charles Jennings <charlesj at MIT.EDU<mailto:charlesj at MIT.EDU>> wrote:

Dear Editors,

A faculty colleague at McGovern Institute for Brain Research is looking for a freelance copy editor to help polish  manuscripts and grant applications that are drafted by non-native English speakers.   We’re looking for someone with a strong technical background in biomedical science (preferably including neuroscience) and fluent written English.

We’d be grateful for recommendations, and also for any estimate of the current market rate.



Charles Jennings, Ph.D
Director, Neurotechnology Program
McGovern Institute for Brain Research
MIT 46-3160
Cambridge, MA 02139
(617) 324 3977
charlesj at mit.edu<mailto:charlesj at mit.edu>

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