[Editors] MIT Editors' Club Minutes: May 2015

Elizabeth A Thomson thomson at mit.edu
Thu May 14 15:25:35 EDT 2015


*Meeting Notes from May 14, 2015*

*Photos Photos Photos*

You guessed it--photos dominated the discussion at this meeting of our club. To start us off, Tom Pixton of Communication Production Services (CPS) noted that CPS has added several new photos to its photo library<https://www.flickr.com/photos/cpsphotolibrary/sets>. There are some gorgeous pics of the Barker Library reading room and of the foundry and glassblowing shops through the Department of Materials Science and Engineering.

CPS is also planning an upcoming shoot to capture even more images---for example, they aim to take pictures of the Collier Memorial. If you have ideas for other potentially interesting shoots that CPS could cover, send Tom a note at <tpixton at mit.edu<mailto:tpixton at mit.edu>>.

And speaking of…photos, my Resource Development colleague Stephanie Eich has a request for ya'll:

My office (RD Communications) is undertaking a project to compile a photo collection of students and faculty working "in the field". It could be activities taking place in the US, or some far-flung international location. Basically, we want to demonstrate MIT is really at work out in the world.

In a nutshell, we are looking for two things:

1) Any existing high-quality images that illustrate "impact" moments that you could share

2) Opportunities for us to photograph interesting projects this summer/early fall (June - October)

We are looking for a variety of geographic regions and projects that represent the main campaign themes (water, food, energy, health care, etc). Do you have any suggestions re: existing materials or upcoming projects/events that would merit sending a photographer to capture images?


If you have photos or ideas for photos, send Stephanie a note at <seich at mit.edu<mailto:seich at mit.edu>>, preferably as soon as possible (definitely by the end of next week). Oh! Almost forgot: Stephanie sends a big "thank you" to those of you who have already offered suggestions.

Finally, please note that NEXT WEEK (May 19, 1-2pm)  CPS is hosting a talk titled Best Practices in Photo and Video Permissions. There is currently a waiting list, but that may change. To register, go to the following site<https://commtoolkit.mit.edu/best-practices-in-photo-and-video-permissions>.

*Faculty Newsletter*

IMO, the latest issue of the MIT Faculty Newsletter<http://web.mit.edu/fnl/> is a particularly good read, featuring essays on MIT involvement in two global challenges: climate change and the  non-proliferation of nuclear weapons.

*MIT Medical Videos*

Ken Gagne of MIT Medical<https://medical.mit.edu> shared tips for shooting video on a shoestring (among other things, the camera he uses only costs a few hundred dollars). He's posting the resulting videos on the office's web site to illustrate a variety of medical services. Coming soon: one on telephone-based language interpreter services.

*Thank You*

Many thanks to Nancy Adams and colleagues at D-Lab for hosting this meeting in their conference room. While we waited for an earlier meeting to disband, we took in the lab's bicycle-powered washing machine.

*Next Meeting*

Our final meeting of the semester will be from 12-1 Thursday, June 11, in 38-466 (Electrical Engineering and Computer Science).

Please send me a note if you would like to host one of the meetings this fall; I'm currently working on the next schedule.

Have a great summer, everyone

Elizabeth A. Thomson
Senior Writer
MIT Resource Development
Office of Communications
600 Memorial Dr., W98-300
617-258-5563, 857-756-9457
<thomson at mit.edu<mailto:thomson at mit.edu>>, giving.mit.edu<http://giving.mit.edu>

Fall 2014: Celebrating Ideas that Launch at MIT


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