[Editors] Looking for a freelance recommendation

Nancy Duvergne Smith ndsmith at mit.edu
Fri Feb 27 15:20:01 EST 2015

Hi all,

I can also recommend Jill Maxwell. She's a lively writer and great for profiles - that's what she does for me.


Nancy DuVergne Smith

Editorial Director | MIT Alumni Association
MIT W98-322; 617-253-8217; ndsmith at mit.edu<mailto:ndsmith at mit.edu>

Stay connected:  Slice of MIT blog<http://alum.mit.edu/pages/sliceofmit/>

From: editors-bounces at mit.edu [mailto:editors-bounces at mit.edu] On Behalf Of Emer B Garland
Sent: Monday, February 23, 2015 12:24 PM
To: Nicolene Hengen
Cc: editors at mit.edu
Subject: Re: [Editors] Looking for a freelance recommendation

Hi Nicolene,

Below are writers recommended by this group in the past. Our office has successfully worked with all, except for Jill Maxwell. Jill was previously recommended by Kate O'Sullivan in Sloan Communications.

Kathy Thurston-Lighty
kthurstonlighty at gmail.co<mailto:kthurstonlighty at gmail.co>m

43,000 Feet
Dave Demerjian
dave at 43000feet.co<mailto:dave at 43000feet.co>m

Michelle Choate
Principal, Choate Creative
michelle at choatecreative.com<mailto:michelle at choatecreative.com>

Jill Maxwell
jillhmaxwell at gmail.com<mailto:jillhmaxwell at gmail.com>
Freelance writer for MIT Sloan Office of Communications and the MIT Alumni Association


On Feb 20, 2015, at 4:26 PM, Nicolene Hengen <nhengen at MIT.EDU<mailto:nhengen at MIT.EDU>> wrote:

Hi everyone,

I'm looking for someone to help a faculty member put together a final report on an NSF conference.

There are good resource materials, including an original proposal, a conference web site, an exec summary, and a summary of the sessions.

The goal is to craft a first draft and then work w the prof to finalize and send to NSF this spring.

There is no firm deadline before July, but I would recommend setting one.

This group always has many good suggestions...thanks in advance.

Spring is coming...

Nicolene Hengen
Assistant Director for Strategy
Sociotechnical Systems Research Center
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