[Editors] PhD student seeking editor/proofreader recommendations

Stacie Slotnick slotnick at media.mit.edu
Tue Mar 4 10:27:11 EST 2014

Dear Editors,

One of our Media Lab PhD students is looking for an editor/proofreader with
whom to work on an upcoming journal submission. If you are interested, or
know of someone who might be, please contact Yves-Alexandre de Montjoye
directly (yva at mit.edu). I've included his explanation of what he's looking
for below.

Thanks very much!

I am searching for somebody who could proofread and work with me on a
scientific paper. We're hoping to get this published in a high-impact
interdisciplinary journal (Nature Comm, Science, PNAS) so I'm searching for
somebody who could help with both the storytelling (right context for the
work (privacy research--see
http://www.nature.com/srep/2013/130325/srep01376/full/srep01376.html) and
to clearly explain complex scientific/math content.

Somebody local would be preferred. It might be good to meet for 30 min
before and after to go over the paper.

cheers, Yves-Alexandre

Stacie Slotnick
Assistant Director of Communications
MIT Media Lab
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