[Editors] Pages designer

Ken Gagne gagne at med.mit.edu
Tue Dec 16 17:29:16 EST 2014

I have a print publication that could use a design refresh, and I'm looking for a designer interested in taking on this project.

Here's the caveat: the magazine is laid out in Pages, part of Apple's iWork suite.  It's not exactly an industry standard, and moving to InDesign or Quark (does anyone still use that?) isn't an option.

Can this list recommend anyone with his unusual skill?

Ken Gagné
Web Producer, Marketing and Communications
MIT Medical Bldg. E23-495
77 Massachusetts Ave.
Cambridge, MA 02139-4301
Phone:  617-253-1508
Fax: 617-253-6373
Twitter: @MITmedical
Our Mission: MIT Medical is dedicated to your personal health and the well-being of the entire MIT community.
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