[Editors] Invitation to participate in Usability Evluation

Katherine M Wahl kwahl at mit.edu
Mon Dec 8 12:07:31 EST 2014


We are contacting you to invite you to participate in an online usability evaluation for the MIT Office of the Vice President for Finance (VPF) Web site. As the usability team within IS&T, we have been working with the project team to evaluate the structure of their site. This evaluation should take 5-10 minutes of your time.

Please understand as the usability team we are a neutral third-party and all feedback is anonymous. We strive to obtain as much honest feedback as possible.

You can access the online usability evaluation here:

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at usability at mit.edu<mailto:usability at mit.edu>.

Thank you,
The IS&T Usability Team (Katherine Wahl and Chris LaRoche)
Katherine Wahl, Usability/Accessibility Consultant
Accessibility & Usability Group, IS&T
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
Room E19-738C

617.324.4647 - work
617.283.1219 - mobile
kwahl at mit.edu<mailto:kwahl at mit.edu>
usability at mit.edu<mailto:usability at mit.edu> (usability requests)
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