[Editors] TEDx events

Danyel Barnard dbarnard at MIT.EDU
Thu Apr 10 12:19:29 EDT 2014

Hi Amy-

Thanks for reaching out. I don't know the answer off-hand, but I can certainly look into it from a central institute perspective. I'll check in with Nate Nickerson and others in the Office of the President/Office of Institute Affairs and get back to you.



Danyel Barnard
Director, Communication Production Services
Office of Institute Affairs
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
77 Mass. Ave., Building E-38
Cambridge, MA 02139
T: 617-258-9371
dbarnard at mit.edu<mailto:dbarnard at mit.edu>

On Apr 9, 2014, at 2:45 PM, Amy MacMillan Bankson wrote:

Dear Editors:

Recently one of our MBA students applied to host a TEDx event. She planned to use the name TEDxSloan, however, the TEDx team informed her that it doesn’t license schools/centers or colleges within universities. Only the university itself (MIT) can be licensed.

We are trying to do a little research to help this student, but we don’t have any experience with TEDx. We have noticed there is a TEDxCambridge and a TEDxMIT. Has anyone used either one of these licensed names before? Which one would be more appropriate?

And, is there someone at MIT Central who might possibly be a point person or have knowledge about TEDx events? Any advice or insight would be appreciated.

Thanks so much.


Amy MacMillan Bankson
Communications Coordinator, Office of Communications
MIT Sloan School of Management
One Charles Park, 6th Floor
Building EE20
Cambridge, MA 02142

Mailing Address:
77 Massachusetts Ave., EE20
Cambridge, MA 02139

Direct Line: 617.452.2089
amy_mac at mit.edu<mailto:amy_mac at mit.edu>

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