[Editors] Creative Cloud subscription tax

mlewy mlewy at MIT.EDU
Mon Oct 7 11:09:08 EDT 2013

curious if anyone was able to get that refund. 

On Oct 7, 2013, at 10:59 AM, "William T. G. Litant" <wlitant at MIT.EDU>

> Hi gang:
> One other thing. If you sign up for a Creative Cloud subscription, Adobe will charge you a sales tax, even if you provide them with MIT's tax exempt status documentation. Several of us  have encountered this issue, to which Adobe responds they will refund retroactively the tax payment after a year(!). We have heard from at least one of our MIT colleagues that she was able to get an OK on this from Purchasing as long as she retained documentation from Adobe. My financial manager is looking into this so I can get an "official" word on my end. I'll let you know what happens.
> Yes, this is nuts - you'd think we're the only tax-exempt Adobe customer. However, if you've dealt with Adobe's customer service, nothing will surprise you …
> Best,
> Bill
> William Litant
> communications director
> Aeronautics and Astronautics Department
> 33-240 
> Mass. Institute of Technology
> 77 Massachusetts Ave.
> Cambridge, MA 02139 USA
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