[Editors] cool documentary to tweet

Elizabeth A Thomson thomson at MIT.EDU
Thu Mar 21 09:13:06 EDT 2013

Hi there, 

Today's Slice of MIT (from the Alumni Association) blog post features an incredibly cool documentary called "The Catalyst Series: Women in Chemistry." It profiles nine top women in chemistry, including MIT's own Professor Paula Hammond AND another MIT alum. I've only watched the Hammond video so far, but it's wonderful---truly inspiring with a lot of great footage and comments about MIT.

Wanna try to make it go viral? I think the general topic would be of interest to many of you. So, following MIT Editors' Club member Stephanie Hatch's advice, I used "clicktotweet" to create a "shareable" tweet on the documentary. By clicking on this, you'll see a tweet that you, in turn, can retweet or edit (I hope).



P.S. Here's Stephanie's MIT Yammer post on "clicktotweet," for those who haven't already seen it:

This one is from @Brent Turner and it is exactly what this group needs. Many of you ask the group, "please tweet about my event!" or something like that. This way you can compose the tweet for your colleagues and they just need to click to tweet it. It's called, appropriately, "clicktotweet". http://clicktotweet.com Thanks, Brent Turner, for sharing! 

Also: here's the Slice of MIT blog post by Jay London on the documentary (in case I totally messed up the link above):

Elizabeth A. Thomson
Associate Director of Communications
MIT Resource Development
Office of Communications
600 Memorial Dr., W98-300
617-258-5563, 857-756-9457
<thomson at mit.edu>, giving.mit.edu

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