[Editors] MIT Editors' Club Minutes: June 2013

Elizabeth A Thomson thomson at MIT.EDU
Fri Jun 14 16:25:06 EDT 2013


*Meeting Notes from June 11, 2013*

*MIT at the Movies*

Paul Rivenberg, our host for this meeting at the Plasma Science and Fusion Center (PSFC), is looking forward to watching Monsters University, the latest Pixar movie in theaters June 21, because he's pretty sure that MIT is featured in it. Apparently Pixar was on campus at the PSFC a few years ago filming for "an upcoming movie." For various reasons, Paul is guessing that Monsters University is the movie. 

*MIT and Fusion Research*

Given that this meeting was held at the PSFC, we spent a while chatting about...the PSFC, which focuses on nuclear fusion as a potential energy source. The Center has also been in the news, ever since the Department of Energy last year announced plans to shut down MIT's National Fusion Research Facility, the Alcator C-Mod (the PSFC's largest experiment). 

Go to the following url for a slideshow of a visit to the PSFC earlier this year by three Congressmen:



Stephanie Hatch of Communication Production Services gave us some stats for social media coverage of Commencement. On Twitter alone, there were 1,300 tweets involving the hash tag MIT2013#. Plus, there were many more tweets about Commencement that used derivative hash tags like #MITAlumni, #MIT, and #MITCommencement.

For hash tag MIT2013# there were 561 unique contributors, for a reach of 1.25 million.

*Something New!*

I personally learned something new from Stephanie's brief presentation: vine. It's a new app that allows you to create 6-second videos of events that can be tweeted, put on Facebook, and storified. Here's an example from one of the eight "storifies" that Stephanie created for Commencement (it's the very first post on this storify):


The "vine" app is free; more info here:


*Active Shooter Awareness Training*

Just a reminder that David Barber of MIT's Security & Emergency Management Office has kindly offered to hold a session of Active Shooter Awareness Training for MIT Editors' Club. The training will be held from 12-1:30 in 32-155 on Thursday, June 27. As I understand it, this includes a 10-minute video followed by a presentation and plenty of time for a Q&A.

PLEASE LET ME KNOW if you'd like to attend (thomson at mit.edu). I'm compiling a rough head count for David (some 27 Editors have signed up to date).

*Thank you!*

Thank you to Paul Rivenberg for hosting this meeting at the PSFC.

*Next Meetings*

We'll have a break over the summer. I'll be back in touch with the fall schedule once I've put it together.


Elizabeth A. Thomson
Associate Director of Communications
MIT Resource Development
Office of Communications
600 Memorial Dr., W98-300
617-258-5563, 857-756-9457
<thomson at mit.edu>, giving.mit.edu

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