[Editors] Share your thoughts on the sequester

Marilyn C Wilson mcwilson at MIT.EDU
Thu Feb 28 14:30:04 EST 2013

Hello Everyone,

Forgive me if this (below) has been around already and you all know about it, but this is an interesting resource for science-related folks to share thoughts about the sequester, along with a hash tag for letting others know about it.


Marilyn C. Wilson, PhD
Associate Director, Career Counseling & Education | MIT Global Education & Career Development
mcwilson at mit.edu<mailto:mcwilson at mit.edu> | 617-258-9149

From: David Grimm <dgrimm at aaas.org<mailto:dgrimm at aaas.org>>
Date: Wednesday, February 27, 2013 9:35 AM
Subject: Share your thoughts on the sequester

Hello everyone,

We have set up a page to collect responses from the scientific community on the looming sequestration in Congress:


The idea is to create a social media forum where scientists, grad students, etc. can exchange thoughts and concerns about how the threat of the sequester is impacting their research and careers.

If you have contacts in the community, please send this link along and encourage them to share their thoughts on Twitter with the taq #sciquester.

Thanks for your help!


David Grimm, PhD
Online News Editor
<http://news.sciencemag.org/>SCIENCE magazine
1200 New York Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20005
phone 202-326-7024

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