[Editors] MIT Editors' Club Minutes, Feb. 2013

Elizabeth A Thomson thomson at MIT.EDU
Fri Feb 15 09:03:05 EST 2013


*Meeting Notes from February 11, 2013*

*Storified Snow*

This meeting began with folks' experiences over the snowy weekend and the delight of many that Monday's MIT home page featured our president enjoying a snowball fight.

Although I couldn't seem to find a current link to the MIT home page picture of President Reif in the snow, Social Media Guru Stephanie Hatch of Communication Production Services (CPS) captured it through storify----go to http://storify.com/MIT/nemo-mit-snow-photos  I also understand that all of the News Office photos of MIT in the Snow were crowdsourced. Two great uses of social media.


Many of you are aware of Yammer, but for those who aren't----it's a social platform being used by MIT employees for networking, project management, etc. It's worth a peek. For more information, go to Stephanie's first blog post on the service at <http://connect.mit.edu/blog/yammer/>. And here's her second, titled 37 Ways MIT Uses Yammer <http://connect.mit.edu/blog/37-ways-mit-uses-yammer/>.

Also, our own Robyn Fizz of IS&T wrote the following piece: 

Yammer at MIT Offers Many Ways to Collaborate and Stay Informed:

As of Monday, 1,493 MIT people were using the service, which features over 65 groups you can join on any number of (well, 65) MIT topics. You can also start your own group. Here are some of the groups I think MIT Editors would be particularly interested in:


MIT Social Media (the largest of all the groups with 263 members)

Communication Production Services

Work-Life Group

And…..although I doubt many Editors will join this particular group, I just had to share the description for the Research Administrators Discussion Group, which made me laugh out loud:

"Don't worry alone! Join this FAQ-answering, NSF-navigating, COEUS-demystifying group."

*Help Eve*

Eve Sullivan, a long-time member of this group who recently retired from MIT, asks for our help in spreading the word about universal parenting education. To learn more and sign a petition supporting such efforts, go to <http://www.parentsforum.org/parenting-education-all>.

*CPS Workshops*

There are a slew of upcoming CPS workshops involving social media, such as Integrating Social and Traditional Media. To check 'em out, go to: http://commtoolkit.mit.edu/events/upcoming-events

PLEASE NOTE that several of these are already "sold out." HOWEVER, register anyway because 1) CPS keeps a waiting list, and 2) our feedback helps them determine interest (and whether to repeat a given session). Please also note that if you DO get in to a session and ultimately have to cancel, send CPS a note at cps at mit.edu so that your spot can be given to someone else. 

*Images Images Images*

We talked for a while about how to find free images on the web that don't break copyright laws. For more (again, thanks to Robyn):


Note the email address at end of article:

If you have questions or concerns about reusing any image you’ve found, you can send email to copyright-lib at mit.edu.

*Thank you!*

Thanks to Kiirja Paananen for hosting this meeting at the Office of Sponsored Programs' new offices on the 9th floor of NE18. Ya'll who couldn't make this meeting missed some GREAT views of the Charles and MIT.


Missing a lovely light lemony-green umbrella with white polka dots? If so, you left it at the Dec. Editors meeting at 38-466. Contact Patsy Sampson to retrieve it….(patsys at MIT.EDU). (Patsy, as time passes, methinks you may have inherited a certain umbrella.)

 *Next Meetings*

Here are the MIT Editors' Club meetings for Spring 2013. All meetings are from 12-1, and you are welcome to bring a lunch.

Wednesday, March 27
46-3160Q (McGovern Institute for Brain Research)

Monday, April 22
66-360 (Chemical Engineering)

Thursday, May 16
1-236 (Civil and Environmental Engineering)

Monday, June 10
NW17-218 (Plasma Science and Fusion Center)



Elizabeth A. Thomson
Associate Director of Communications
MIT Resource Development
Office of Communications
600 Memorial Dr., W98-300
617-258-5563, 857-756-9457
<thomson at mit.edu>, giving.mit.edu

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