[Editors] Google Analytics presentation on June 20

Bara Blender bblender at MIT.EDU
Mon Apr 29 11:07:51 EDT 2013

Good morning,

Communication Production Services invites you to attend a presentation on Google Analytics by the Google Cambridge team.

Google Analytics<http://commtoolkit.mit.edu/google-analytics>

June 20, 2-3 p.m.

Registration<http://web.mit.edu/commworkshops/registration.html> is required, and the location will be provided upon confirmation.

We look forward to seeing you.



Bara Blender
Communications Strategist
MIT Communication Production Services<http://web.mit.edu/cps>
617-258-9367; Building E38-254

Communications advising and strategy:
Web, print, branding, social media and email marketing
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