[Editors] April 10 event to tweet

Heather M Denny hdenny at MIT.EDU
Wed Apr 3 15:23:48 EDT 2013

Hi everyone,

I'm taking advantage of the "clicktotweet" tool mentioned earlier on this list (great tip!) to promote an event next Wednesday celebrating the restoration of the Great Dome and the opening of Barker Library's 24-hour reading room.

Any of you who tweet to the MIT community, especially to students, please feel free to share this with your peeps: http://clicktotweet.com/5Ngc5

And please everyone, come to the event! The Dome's open skylight is stunning.

Many thanks!

Heather Denny
Communications Officer
MIT Libraries
77 Massachusetts Avenue
Cambridge, MA 02139
Building 14S-316
hdenny at mit.edu

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