[Editors] NMC photography contest

Molly Ruggles ruggles at MIT.EDU
Fri Mar 30 10:44:08 EDT 2012


The New Media Consortium<http://nmc.org> is sponsoring a photography contest<http://www.nmc.org/news/enter-2012-summer-conference-mit-photo-contest>, to find an image for the program cover for their summer conference<http://conference.nmc.org> to be held at MIT this June.

If you know of any photographers who'd like some exposure to their work, please feel free to pass along this info. There's no compensation involved, just the reward of having their image on the cover of the program. The deadline is soon: April 4th.


Molly Ruggles
Senior Educational Technology Consultant
Office of Educational Innovation & Technology
OEIT | MIT | NE48-308
ruggles at mit.edu<mailto:ruggles at mit.edu> | 617-324-9185

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