[Editors] Survey of Public Relations Practices in Higher Education Published
Bruce Mendelsohn
brucem at MIT.EDU
Thu Mar 8 10:40:09 EST 2012
> Dear Colleagues,
> This report just issued from the Primary Research Group features compelling data and information on emerging trends in higher ed PR. Even the few bullet points below are relevant to many of the activities we conduct daily.
> If you're looking for data to support a proposed expansion of PR or outreach, or seek merely to substantiate your current investment in this oft-neglected area, you may want to invest in this report ($129).
> Respectfully,
> Bruce
> Bruce Mendelsohn
> brm90 at aol.com
> www.the-hired-pen.com
> Begin forwarded message:
>> From: "Primary Research Group" <Primaryresearchgroup at gmail.com>
>> Subject: Survey of Public Relations Practices in Higher Education Published
>> Date: March 8, 2012 10:09:17 AM EST
>> To: brm90 at aol.com
>> Reply-To: Primaryresearchgroup at gmail.com
>> Having trouble viewing this email? click here
>> Primary Research Group
>> Primary Research Group Publication Alert
>> www.PrimaryResearch.com
>> Primary Research Group has published The Survey of Public Relations Practices in Higher Education, ISBN 157440-196-3.
>> This 115-page report examines the public relations efforts of 41 colleges and universities, exploring annual budget trends, press release practices, print and digital media monitoring strategies, and the college's use of social media, among other issues. The report details the breadth of the college's public relations department, staffing levels and distribution of pr staff resources. The report furnishes aggregated budget figures for the past two academic years, as well as projections for the coming year, users can see just how much these colleges spend--per student--on an array of programs and policies, including press release services, the publication of campus magazines, and the use of outside public relations firms and consultants, as well as salaries by position within the pr department.
>> The report helps end users to answer questions such as: How many colleges employ a public relations director or "czar" to oversee all public relations operations? What role does the public relations department play in managing the college website? On which social media sites--including Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and MySpace, among many others--does the college maintain a presence? How often does the college pr department tweet?
>> Just a few of the report’s many findings are that:
>> Research universities in the sample spent a mean of $91,000 for public relations consultants in 2011.
>> The colleges in the sample issued a mean of 109 press releases in the past year.
>> Just 29.27% of colleges sampled offer a mobile app for iPhone, Android, or other mobile devices that enable users to keep abreast of news from the college.
>> Private colleges spend nearly twice as much per student on public relations as public colleges.
>> 39% of the colleges in the sample employ a professional videographer to film campus events or to make promotional videos.
>> Colleges with one main public relations staff and no other employ a mean of 3.11 full time equivalent staff for the public relations department.
>> The report presents a wide range of data broken out by total student enrollment, public or private status, and type of college. The report is available for $129.00 from Primary Research Group. To view a table of contents and excerpts, or to place an order visit our website at www.PrimaryResearch.com.
>> This message was sent to brm90 at aol.com by Primaryresearchgroup at gmail.com
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