[Editors] job opportunity

Scott R Campbell scottc at MIT.EDU
Thu Jun 28 16:53:44 EDT 2012

Esteemed Colleagues,

I just talked with a friend who's in search of a development communications director for a small non-profit (50 people, $4M) based in downtown Boston, helping prepare middle school and high school kids for success in college. (80% of the kids in their program graduate from college, as opposed to only 11% from Boston’s public school system.)

It’s a well-established outfit, 20 years old, staffed by what he describes as a great group of people mostly under 40 with a lot of positive energy. They are looking to expand their efforts (and their budget) and need a pro to head up the communications effort on a six-person development team, focused on the cultivation and stewardship of substantial donors in addition to the annual appeal/report/newsletter cycle.

It sounds like a really good opportunity for someone. And my friend Jon – actually a friend of a friend – is reported to be a prince to work with. So!  If you know of anyone who might be interested in talking with him, have them get in touch with him at jonrmclaughlin at gmail.com The pay is pretty good.

Scott Campbell
Director of Communications
MIT School of Architecture + Planning<http://sap.mit.edu>
Mail: MIT 7-231    .    Office: MIT 9-422
77 Massachusetts Avenue
Cambridge MA 02139

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