[Editors] Request for information on publications at MIT

Eve Sullivan annals at MIT.EDU
Thu Jun 21 12:34:02 EDT 2012


Jill Davidson, I woman I met at a local skill sharing event, works at  
Emerson College coordinating a faculty newsletter and doing other  
projects. She is interested in exploring in general how publications  
work is done at other colleges and would like to know what positions  
might be open at MIT. If anyone on this list would be willing to talk  
with Jill / exchange emails / look at her resume, please contact her  
directly: jilldavids1 at hotmail.com

I will leave MIT at the end of this month (big sigh). I hope to stay  
on the list and in contact with you all through the address eve at parentsforum.org 


Eve Sullivan, Senior Editorial Assistant

for Frank Wilczek, Editor-in-Chief, Annals of Physics
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