[Editors] #MIT2012 trending in Boston

Stephanie Hatch hatch_s at MIT.EDU
Fri Jun 8 17:22:34 EDT 2012

Hi all,

#MIT2012 was trending on Twitter for Boston today! <- great accomplishment!

It's a pleasure to work with everyone; great job today. MIT's social media rocks because of all of you.

I'll follow up some time next week with cool stats about Commencement social media and how we did.

Also, many of you messaged me and told me about your photos. If you tweeted photos from your personal or from your department account for commencement, send me your twitter handle so I can be on the lookout! I don't want to miss anyone. People with best photos get a Tshirt! Winners announced next week.


Stephanie Hatch
Social Media and Email Marketing Specialist
MIT Communication Production Services
Office: E38-254  Phone: 617.258.9353 <http://web.mit.edu/cps/>
Instagram<http://statigr.am/mitpics> Twitter<http://twitter.com/hatchsteph>  Blog<http://mitsocialmedia.wordpress.com/>  Google+<http://gplus.to/stephaniehatch>  Email<mailto:hatch_s at mit.edu>

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