[Editors] Social media toolkit

Stephanie Hatch hatch_s at MIT.EDU
Fri Jul 13 08:57:21 EDT 2012

Thanks for passing this on, Elizabeth! Good find.

Just a reminder to everyone that MIT has its own social media guidelines. You can find them at http://bit.ly/NuHE0m

Over the last few months we have been working on an updated version of these guidelines. I will let you know when they are published online. If you have any questions, drop me a line!

- Stephanie

Stephanie Hatch
Social Media and Email Marketing Specialist
Office: E38-254  Phone: 617.258.9353 <http://web.mit.edu/cps/>
Instagram<http://statigr.am/mitpics> Twitter<http://twitter.com/hatchsteph>  Blog<http://mitsocialmedia.wordpress.com/>  Google+<http://gplus.to/stephaniehatch>  Email<mailto:hatch_s at mit.edu>

MIT Communication Production Services<http://web.mit.edu/cps/>
Communications advising and strategy:
Web, print, branding, social media and email marketing

On Jul 12, 2012, at 4:30 PM, Elizabeth A Thomson wrote:

Through a LinkedIn group on Higher Ed Social Media, I just came across two publications by the CDC: the Social Media Toolkit and the Guide to Writing for Social Media.

I have not read them yet--just scanned the Table of Contents--but they look quite comprehensive. Figured some of you might be interested.


Elizabeth A. Thomson
Associate Director of Communications
MIT Resource Development
Office of Communications
600 Memorial Dr., W98-300
617-258-5563, 857-756-9457
<thomson at mit.edu>, giving.mit.edu

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