[Editors] freelance developer recommendations?

Shannon M Larkin slarkin at MIT.EDU
Tue Feb 28 14:53:02 EST 2012

I love Bob Wilt - his rates will seem expensive at first, but it's important to know that he's twice as fast as someone who's cheaper.  So he's actually a more reasonable choice.  Oh , and such clean organized code!


From: editors-bounces at MIT.EDU [mailto:editors-bounces at MIT.EDU] On Behalf Of Rachel VanCott
Sent: Tuesday, February 28, 2012 2:31 PM
To: editors at MIT.EDU
Subject: [Editors] freelance developer recommendations?

I have some changes to make to an online game project (osq.mit.edu<http://osq.mit.edu>), but I'm not sure where to find freelance developers. Does anyone have any experience with or recommendations for the best way to find a freelance developer to do short-term, hourly contract work?

Rachel VanCott
Educator and Ocean Literacy Communicator
MIT Sea Grant College Program
O: 617-253-5944<tel:617-253-5944>
C: 315-663-6691<tel:315-663-6691>
vancott at mit.edu<mailto:vancott at mit.edu>
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